Basic virtual machine installation

@KVM:~#gunzip QIIME-1.5.0-amd64.vdi.gz
@KVM:~#qemu-img convert -f vdi -O raw QIIME-1.5.0-amd64.vdi QIIME-1.5.0-amd64.img

Create VM qiime with QIIME-1.5.0-amd64.img as /dev/vda.
Mount gparted-live-0.14.0-1.iso as CD-ROM and boot from it.
Resize /dev/vda1 (e.g. to 20GB)
Shutdown VM
Resize raw image (e.g. -180GB relative current size)

@KVM:~#qemu-img resize QIIME-1.5.0-amd64.img -180GB

Create LV for VM system disk

@KVM:~#lvcreate -L 20G -n qiime vm_vg
@KVM:~#dd if=QIIME-1.5.0-amd64.img | pv -s 20G | dd of=/dev/vm_vg/qiime

Create new VM qiime with two virtual HD:
/dev/vda - LVM virtual disk (local storage) - /dev/vda1 mounted as /
/dev/vbd - LVM virtual disk (iSCSI storage) - /dev/vdb1 will be mounted as /home

Boot VM qiime
Copy /home in a temp directory
Partitioning, format and mount /dev/vdb1 as /home
Copy temp directory to /home
Edit /etc/fstab to make /home mounted at boot

UUID=aa38e61a-2d77-4c3d-8758-6afad79a780b /home           ext4    nodev,nosuid,relatime        0       2